Baseline survey and method demonstration on seed treatment in redgram at newly adopted village, Meedikonda by RARS, Warangal on 01-07-2021

Baseline survey and method demonstration on seed treatment in redgram at newly adopted village, Meedikonda by RARS, Warangal on 01-07-2021

Regional Agricultural Research Station, Warangal has completed its activities for three years of period in adopted village, Seetarampur, Damera, Warangal (R) and in continuation a new village, Medikonda, Station Ganpur (Mdl.), Jangoan district was selected as adopted village for coming three years, 2021-2024. Base line survey and method demonstration on seed treatment in redgram was conducted at new adopted village, Medikonda on 01-07-2021. P. Shiva Kumar, Scientist (Agril. Economics), Convener of adopted village explained about importance and concept of the adopted village by RARS, Warangal. Dr. B. Anil Kumar, Senior Scientist (Crop protection DAATTC, Warangal) briefed about the importance of seed treatment in all the crops. Dr. Ch. Ramulu, Scientist (SSAC) explained about importance of soil testing and fertilizer management in different crops. Dr. M. Madhu, Scientist (Agronomy) demonstrated seed treatment in redgram with Capton, Imidacloprid followed by Rhizobium culture (following F-I-R method of sequence). In this programme, farmers actively participated and their queries were clarified by the scientists. In this programme, Dr. B. Anil Kumar, Senior Scientist (Crop protection, DAATTC, Warangal), Dr. Ch. Ramulu, Scientist (SSAC), Dr. M. Madhu, Scientist (Agronomy), Smt. D. Ashwini, Scientist (Plant Pathology), Dr. K. Rajendra Prasad, Scientist (Plant Breeding), P. Shiva kumar, Scientist (Agril. Economics), Agriculture Department Officials, MAO, A. Nagaraju, AEO, Usha and 40 farmers were participated.