On the eve of Republic day 26th January 2020, Dr. M. A. Aariff Khan, Programme Coordinator & Head, T. Himabindu, SMS(Horticulture), Dr. T. Bharath, SMS(Crop Production) and S. Pallavi, SMS(Extension) received Best Performance Award and Appreciation Certificate from Honorable District Collector, Nalgonda Sri. V. Chandrashekhar for outstanding contribution for the welfare of farming community of Nalgonda District by Transfer of Innovative Technologies for higher productivity, reduced cost of cultuvation, water management and innovative horticultural technologies through On Farm Trails and Front Line Demonstrations and creating awareness through various vocational and Skill Development Training programmes. Enterprenureship development through ARYA project to develop rural enterprenures, activites to improve the livelihoods of Tribal Farmers though Tribal Sub Plan and developing progressive women farmers.