Another feather has been added in the cap of Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University with inauguration of the boys hostel of Agricultural College, Palem. The new hostel building named “Rudra Nilayam” was inaugurated by Sri Singireddy Niranjan Reddy garu, hon’ble Minister for Agriculture, Co-operation and Marketing, Telangana State on 09.10.2021. The Minister participated in Haritha Haram programme and planted sapling in the new hostel premises. While addressing the students, he stated that the graduates of B.Sc.(Hons.)Ag. have ample career opportunities and suggested to choose diverse paths for serving the farming community. He stressed the need for crop diversification and necessity to expand the area under pulses, oilseeds and vegetable crops. Dr.V.Praveen Rao garu, hon’ble Vice Chancellor, PJTSAU inaugurated the RO water plant of the hostel. He addressed the students and encouraged them to develop into agri entrepreneurs through novel ideas. He advised the faculty to be well acquainted with e-technology and to encourage innovative thinking among students. He mentioned about the constant and untiring efforts putforth by the university in strengthening the colleges and expressed his happiness towards the successful inauguration of the hostel. Sri Marri Janardhan Reddy, MLA (Nagarkurnool), Sri P. Ramulu, MP (Nagarkurnool), Smt. P. Padmavathi, Zilla Parishad Chairperson (Nagarkurnool), Sri P. Srinivas Reddy, Addl. Collector (Revenue), Nagarkurnool, Dr.S.Sudheer Kumar, Registrar, PJTSAU, Dr.Seema, Dean of Agriculture, PJTSAU, Dr. J.Sathyanarayana, Dean of Student Affairs, PJTSAU, Dr.K.Vijayalakshmi, Associate Dean, Agricultural College, Palem, Dr.Ch.Damodar Raju, Associate Director of Research, RARS, Palem, Dr.T.Prabhakar Reddy, Programme Co-ordinator, KVK, Palem, Dr.T.Anuradha, Vice Principal, APT, Palem, Sri P. Srinivas Goud, MPP (Bijinapally), Sri M.Hanmantha Rao, Distr. Library Chairman (Mahabubnagar), Sri J. Raghunandan Reddy, Director, DCCB (Mahabubnagar), Sri G.Kurrmaiah, Market Committee Chairman (Nagarkurnool), Sri N.Balaraju Goud, PACS, Chairman, Sri D.Raghumareddy, MPTC (Khanapur), Smt.P.Madhavi, Sarpanch (Venkatapur), Smt. G.Lavanya, Sarpanch (Palem), staff and students have participated in the programme.