The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi launched ‘Viksit Bharat @2047: Voice of Youth’ via video conferencing today. During the program, Hon’ble Prime Minister addressed the Vice Chancellors of Universities, Directors, University Officers, Heads of Institutes and faculty members in workshops organized at Raj bhawan’s across the country to mark the beginning of this initiative. The Prime Minister began his address by extending a huge thank you to all the Governors for organizing today’s workshop for the development of Viksit Bharat and said that today is a special occasion regarding this resolution. He lauded their contributions of bringing together all the stakeholders who hold the responsibility of guiding the youth of the nation in accomplishing the goal of Viksit Bharat 2047. Prime Minister Modi highlighted the role of educational institutions in the personality development of an individual and said that a nation becomes developed only with the development of its people. Underlining the importance of personality development in the present era, the Prime Minister extended his wishes for the success of the Voice of Youth workshop. Viksit Bharat @2047 is the vision to make India a developed nation by 2047, the 100th year of independence. The vision encompasses various aspects of development, including economic growth, social progress, environmental sustainability, and good governance. Concluding the address, the Prime Minister underlined that the roadmap of progress will not be decided by the government alone but by the nation. “Every citizen of the country will have input and active participation in it”, Shri Modi said pointing out that even the biggest resolutions can be accomplished by the mantra of Sabka Prayas, i.e. public participation. He gave examples of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Digital India Campaign, resilience during the Corona pandemic, and Vocal for Local highlighting the power of Sabka Prayas. “Viksit Bharat has to be built only through Sabka Prayas”, the Prime Minister said. Shri Modi reiterated the high expectations from the scholars present on the occasion as it is they who shape the vision of the country’s development and channelize the youth power. “This is a great campaign to write the future of the country”, the Prime Minister concluded and urged them to turn in their suggestions to further enhance the grandeur of Viksit Bharat. On this occasion staff and students (120 No’s) of this college have witnessed the programme.