In pursuance of the orders and as per the instructions of the Dean, PJTSAU, the College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar has conducted Elocution, Essay writing and Drawing competitions to the U.G. students of College of Agriculture, Rajendrangar on 30.11.2021 and nominated the winners to the University level competitions in view of world Soil Day Celebrations to be organised on 5th December, 2021. The competitions were started with the address by Dr C Narendra Reddy, the Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Rajendrnagar and motivated the students to take active part in such competitions as they provide enough opportunity to update with the recent trends in the science and technology. The theme for the essay writing was “Healthy soil leads healthy human life”, while the theme for the elocution was “Halt Salinisation – Boost Soil Productivity” and where as the theme for drawing competition was “Protect soils from degradation”. About 25 students participated in the Essay writing competition, where as 22 students actively took part in the Drawing competition and about 14 students participated in the Elocution competition. The competitions were coordinated by Dr V Ravinder Naik, OISA, Dr Shivani and Dr, NSS officer, Dr J Suresh, OIAM and Dr Meena, NSS Officer.