International Womens Day was celebrated at KVK Kampasagar on 8.3.2020 Dr.M.A.Aariff Khan, Programme Coordinator, KVK Kampasagar Inaugurated the Programme and emphasised on Importance of Women in various fields, especially in Agriculture, Women Empowerment and Gender Equality. Motivated the participants to develop as Women Entraprenuers and Progressive Women farmers and guided them to self sustain with confidence. Dr. Sumalini, Vice-Principal, APT, Kampasagar adressed about various challenges faced by women in daily life and to overcome the obstacles with confidence. Sugessted to form Self Help Groups and sugessted to be economixcally Independent and supportive to the family. Sceintists of KVK, T. Himabindu (SMS Horticulture), S.Pallavi (SMS Extension), and G. Krishnaveni RA (Home Sceince) adressed about Women Education, Oppertunities, Role of Women in Integrated Farming System Development and Women Entrerprenuership. Created Awareness on Nutritional Gardening, Nutri Thali, Balenced Diet and Nutrition to the Anganwadi Employees and other women participants. Progressive Women Farmer Smt. A. Saroja , B.T.Thanda, Miryalaguda and Sucessful Women Entrerprenuer Smt. Rani, Srinivas Nagar, Miryalaguda were Feliciatated on the Ocassion for outstanding contribution in respective fields. KVK Staff, Assistant Professors, APT, Kampasagar,Anganwadi Employees and other Women participants, Total 100 members were present on the ocassion. The programme was concluded by vote of thanks by S.Pallavi, (SMS Extension), KVK Kampasagar.