‘Samvidhan Divas’ was celebrated on 26.11.2019 at 11.00 AM in Agricultural College, Palem. Dr. P.Raghu Rami Reddy (Associate Dean), Dr.K.Vijaya Lakshmi, (Professor and Head, Department of Entomology), P. Bindu Priya, (Assistant Professor & OISA), teaching and non-teaching staff and students have attended the programme. P. Bindu Priya welcomed the gathering and gave a brief introduction about the importance of Constitution Day. Dr. P. Raghu Rami Reddy, Associate Dean, addressed the gathering and gave details about the history and significance of the Constitution of India. He enlightened the students regarding the duties and responsibilities we hold as citizens of India. He underlined that every citizen should be aware of his civilian duties and should serve the Nation in every possible way. Later, P.Bindu Priya read aloud and explained the Fundamental Duties followed by taking an oath as given in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution.