Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampsagar organized World Earth Day, 2022 - “Save Soil Campaign cum Awareness Programme” on 24.02.2022 at KVK, Kampasagar. In this programme, Dr. M. Shankaraiah, Programme Coordinator & Head, KVK, Kampasagar briefed about reason for celebrating Earth Day each year and importance of saving soil. Dr. M. Shankar, SMS (Plant Protection) explained different contributing factors for soil loss and precautions to be taken for maintaining a good soil health. Smt. S. Pallavi, SMS (Extension) briefed about the urgent need of attention towards saving natural resources and individual role in fight for good health of soil and humans. Students from the APT, Kampasagar also shared their voice for Earth Day and importance of saving soil for future generation. In this programme staff of KVK, Kampasagar and students from APT, Kampasagar a total of 25 No. were participated.