The Telangana Jatiya Samikyatha Dinostavam was celebrated at College of Community Science, Saifabad on 17th September 2023 with lots of splendour. This day is the mark of 75 years since the transition of Telangana society from monarchy to democracy. As a remembrance, all the teaching, non-teaching and students of College of Community science participated for the formal event of National Flag hoisting. Dr.P.Sreedevi, OSA welcomed the staff and students for the event. Dr. V.Vijaya Lakshmi, Dean, Faculty of Community Science hoisted the national Flag at 9.30 a.m. Soon after the flag hoisted all the staff joined for the National Anthem. Later the Dean, faculty of Community Science addressed the gathering on the role of youth in sustaining democractic Telanagana State with Unity. Staff also shared their views related to the struggles undergone by several people for achieving democracy in Telangana State. Dr.P.Sreedevi, OSA gave vote of thanks for the active participation of staff and students and make the programme successful. A total of 30 teaching and non teaching staff and 35 students attended the programme.