On 26-11-2019, In connection with celebration of the India`s Constitution Day, Dr.T. Ramesh, Associate Dean along with the support of NSS officers and faculty organized a program to convey students about the importance of the day. The “Preamble” of the Indian Constitution was read aloud to the gathering to remind the significance of the Indian Constitution. A related video was played for the knowledge of students about the importance of the day. Among the faculty Dr. E. Narsaiah spoke about Indian Constitution and role of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Followed by this, was a presidential address by the Associate Dean, Agricultural College, Warangal. AD informed the house that Indian Constitution is the biggest drafted constitution ever, with equality of all. Quoting an example of United States, AD told that it is mandatory to give an exam on constitution, who ever applying for citizenship and felt the necessity of Indian citizens also to have knowledge on constitution. Finally a vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. N. Hema Sarat Chandra, NSS officer, Agricultural College, Warangal.