Awareness created to farmers on nipping in red gram by DAATTC, Mudhole at Bhosi village, Tanoor Mandal. Dr. G. Veeranna, coordinator & Head, addressed the gathering about nipping of the terminal bud in between 45 to 60 days of crop growth stage improve the source to sink, significantly reduced the height of the plant and improve the number of primary and secondary branches girth and pods per plant. The nipping operation of red gram crop has given yield increased up to 10 %. He suggested farmers don’t apply excess fertilizers to the crop and manage the pest and diseases at flowering stage would helpful to increase the yield and irrigating at bud formation stage to make considerable yield increase. Dr. M. Sampath Kumar, Scientist (TOT), Vishnu (MAEO), Village sarpanch, ZPTC, 25 no. Progressive farmers attended the awareness Programme.