DAATT Centre ,Tandur conducted Field day On HDPS Cotton at Gattupally village pudur mandal Vikarabad District on 02-12-2023

DAATT Centre ,Tandur conducted Field day On HDPS Cotton at Gattupally village pudur mandal Vikarabad District on 02-12-2023

  • DAATTC-ARS, Tandur organized field day on High Density Planting System Cotton under special project ICAR-CICR titled “Targeting technologies to agro-ecological zones-large scale demonstration of best practices to enhance cotton productivity” under NFSM 2023 at B. Sudhakar field in Gattupally (vil), Pudur (Mandal), Vikarabad district on 02.12.2023.  Dr. B. Venkatesh (YP-II) welcomes the farmers & guests.
  • Mr. T. Laxman, Coordinator, DAATTC, Tandur by increasing plant population to 22,000-25, 000 plants/acre comparison to normal system (5000-7000 plants/acre).
  • Stressed about the role of Chamthkar (Growth regulator) in plant height management for diverting the nutrients to branches, bolls instead for plant height and time of application 40-45 DAS first dose, 60-65 DAS second dose for third time application based on the need whenever last five internodal length exceeds 15 cm . So, that all first formed flowers and bolls will give fruitful returns. Also chance of second crop as greengram, blackgram and other short duration pulses not only for additional returns but also the chance of soil fertility improvement.
  • Dr. B. Venkatesh, (YP-II) explained about the precise nutrient, water and weed management practices in HDPS cotton. During prolong dry spell he suggested  that, farmer can also go for spraying of 19-19-19, Multi K or potassium nitrate to escape from flower and boll drop.
  • Smt. C. Yamuna, Scientist (Pathology), DAATTC, Tandur given overview on the sucking pest management in HDPS cotton like stem application, yellow and blue sticky traps for reducing cost of cultivation and how farmers can escape from pink bollworm attack by HDPS cotton. Explained different disease symptoms with suitable chemical and integrated management practices at correct time for higher yields in HDPS cotton. Briefed about the trap crops role in pest and disease management.
  • Rasi Seeds Territory Sales Manager, Sri. Nageswar Rao pointed about suitable varieties and hybrids characters for HDPS cotton. In interaction session farmers asked some doubts, scientist given suitable solutions to their field level problems.
  • Then went to the B. Sudhakar HDPS cotton field, in Gattupally village, Pudur Manadal, Vikarabad district. Finally Dr, B. Venkatesh (YP-II), DAATTC, Tandur gave the Vote of Thanks to the farmers, Scientist, Agriculture department officers and print & Electronic media for the success of field day. Followed by lunch.