DAATTC-ARS, Tandur has organized a Diagnostic Field Visit on Measures in field crops under present crop conditions in Vikarabad Dist. on 24.02.2023

DAATTC-ARS, Tandur has organized a Diagnostic Field Visit on Measures in field crops under present crop conditions in Vikarabad Dist. on 24.02.2023

A diagnostic field Visit was organized on present crop conditions including delayed rice transplanting’s, flowering stages of rabi field crops including groundnut, Bengal gram, Sorghum & safflower in Yalal Mandal of Vikarabad district on 24.02.2023 under the chairmanship of Kaluvala Shekar, Coordinator & Scientist (Agronomy), DAATTC-ARS, Tandur. Suggested the farmers to take necessary integrated crop protection measures for stem borer, whorl maggot & leaf folder, Rice blast in late transplanted rice fields, measures for sucking pest complex in groundnut and safflower, pod borer in Bengal gram. Advised the rice farmers to apply MOP (Murate of potash) along with split dose of Urea application before panicle initiation stage. Intercropping of Groundnut with sorghum in 7:1 ratio could able to reduce the incidence of sucking pests in groundnut. Smt. Yamuna Scientist (Plant Protection) explained the integrated disease management practices in rice, groundnut. In this visit Department of Agriculture officials, MAO & AEO, Progressive farmers Shiva, Pavan of Chennaram Village were participated.