DAATTC-ARS, Tandur organized one day work shop to the AO’s &AEO’s of Vikarabad district, on HDPS cotton under special project titled, ICAR-CICR titled “Targeting technologies to agro-ecological zones-large scale demonstration of best practices to enhance cotton productivity” under NFSM 2023 at DAATTC, Tandur, Vikarabad district on 07.11.2023. Mr. T. Laxman, Coordinator, DAATTC, Tandur explained about the ICAR-CICR project its objectives for increasing the productivity of cotton and roles and responsibilities of agriculture department in the dissemination of HDPS technology to farmers. Also briefed about the activities taken up till now under HDPS cotton in Pudurmandal and Parigi Mandal villages. Dr. C. Sudhakar, Principal Scientist (Agronomy) Tandur, explained why this technology has introduced, how it going to helpful for increasing yields under climate change conditions. By showing plant specimen he has explained how internodal length can be controlled with using of growth regulators for diverting the nutrients to branches and bolls instead for plant height. Mentioned about the importance of second crop (Short duration pulses) in HDPS cotton for getting higher returns and soil fertility management. Dr. C. Sudha Rani, Principal scientist & Head, ARS, Tandur given the overview of the HDPS cotton seed rate and sowing method. Given full details of field level agronomic practices for the yield maximization under HDPS cotton. Dr. T. Rajeswar Reddy (Pl. Pathology) stressed upon the sucking pest management in HDPS cotton due to more population per unit area, with regards to pink boll worm attack, due to short duration how we can overcome by adopting this technology. Given list of all new chemical at market level for the effective control of different pests and diseases in cotton. For the control of whiteflies, how sticky traps (8-10 traps/acre) plays a major role over the pesticides. Dr. Parimala, Principal Scientist (Breeding), given information on varieties and hybrids suitable for the HDPS technology. Then Tandur, Mandal Agriculture Officer, Smt. Rajitha instructed the Agriculture extensions officers to conduct village level farmers meetings to extend the technology to boost the cotton productivity. 6 AO’s, 51 AEO’s, from various clusters of Vikarabad district and 8 members from Rasi seeds (Territory Managers, Field executives and field assistants etc). DAATTC, TandurAndARS, Tandur Staff, Yong professional I, II.