DAATTC, Tornala organized training programme on alternate crops after cotton and rice fallows in Yasangi on 03-12-2021

DAATTC, Tornala organized training programme on alternate crops after cotton and rice fallows in Yasangi on 03-12-2021

DAATTC, Tornala along with Department of Agriculture, Siddipet organized a training programme on alternate crops after cotton and rice fallows in Yasangi on 03.12.2021 at Rythuvedika, Marimuthyala, Komuravelly Mandal, Siddipet district. At the outset, Mr. M. Naresh, MAO, Komuravelly, gave an overview of rice minikits grown and also briefed about the direct, drum seeding grown area in Vanakalam has given additional yield over normal transplanting by 2-2.5 q/acre. Later, Sri J. Vijay, gave a brief note on cultivation of Rabi paddy alternate crops and benefits, followed by zero tillage maize and sunflower in rice fallows and also explained cultivation of greengram, blackgram and sesame during summer in cotton fallows. He encouraged the farmers for cultivation of oil seeds and pulses. Smt. Ch. Pallavi, Scientist (Crop Production) has explained about pest and diseases management redgram, bengal gram and jowar crops. Further, M. Verappa (ADA- Cherial division) tried to convince the farmers for alternate crops other than paddy in yasangi followed by the release of brochure and books on alternate crops released by Department of Agriculture. In this programme, Yadiah (sarpanch), RSS member (Bikshapathi) and 46 members of the farmers of Marimuthyala have participated.