Agricultural College, Jagtial is carrying out Village Adoption programme from 2018 at Gullapeta village of Jagtial District with an objective to sensitize and educate the farmers regarding need based and innovative technologies to enable them gain the scientific and technical knowledge to enhance their livelihood. Dr. J. Satyanarayana, Dean of Agriculture visited the adopted village, Gullapeta on 28.02.2020 and reviewed the activities since its inception. He interacted with the village adoption members and gained the information on village profile and socio economic status of the village. Dr. T. Sravan kumar, Assistant Professor, member of village adoption committee has briefed about the varied activities conducted in the form of training programmes, method demonstrations, diagnostic field visits, social activities through NSS programme and subscription details of PJTSAU Agricultural videos. He has viewed the Agriculture information corner, the activities carried out since the inception of village adoption programme displayed in the form of posters at Gram Panchayat. He interacted with the farmers personally regarding the impact created through this programme. The farmers have shared their experiences, views and expressed their requirements to enhance their livelihood status and convert their village into a “Model village”. During the field visits, he has visited the rice (JGL-24423) seed production plots of Sri. Gangareddy, G. Tirupathi and G. Ravi. The farmers have expressed their views of shifting to the cultivation of diversified crops to raise their income levels. They mentioned about the outbreak of rice blast. Later, he visited the Integrated farming system (paddy + vegetable cultivation under pendals with drip irrigation and mulching + fish pond + diary + poultry) of Sri. Palepu Ravi. The farmer expressed the difficulties in testing the quality of water, disease management in fishes due to unavailability of laboratories and advisory services from concerned resource personnel. Dr. K.B. Suneetha Devi, Associate Dean, Village adoption committee members, PG students, village sarpanch, Sri. J. Thirupati, vice-sarpanch, G.Thirupati and progressive farmers viz., G. Ravi, Thirupati, Gangi Reddy, Palepu Ravi, Thirupati were also present during the review.