Faculty Development Programme for Extension at EEI

Faculty Development Programme for Extension at EEI

Extension Education Institute, Hyderabad organized a 5 days online training programme in Collaboration with MANAGE on “Faculty Development Programme for Extension” for the Officers of Department of Agriculture and Allied Sectors of Southern States from 23rd – 27th November, 2021 to enhance the various skills among the participating officers. The programme orientated the participants on various aspects related to Research Extension – Farmer Linkages for Effective Technology Application, Innovations in Agricultural Extension and Technology Dissemination, Process Documentation Skills, PRA for understanding and Prioritizing Field Problems, Leadership and Team Building Skills, Effective Writing for Case Studies and Success Stories, Hands on Training on Usage of Mobile Apps for Production and dissemination of messages, Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills, Group Dynamics in Extension Organizations, Communicating Science: Perspectives for Extension and Field Officers and Gender Mainstreaming in Farm Technologies. Dr.M.Jagan Mohan Reddy Director, EEI, in his valedictory address emphasized the need to empower the development officers of Agriculture and Allied sectors. Where an attempt had been made by EEI and congratulated the participants for successful completion of course and opined that every officer attending this training should seriously think of improving performance and work hard to succeed in their back home situation to do quality service to the farming community. All the officers in their feedback mentioned that it is an opportunity of connecting directly to the eminent nationwide speakers who are experts in their concerned fields and who have shared their valuable experiences in this online training program. Majority of the participants thanked EEI for providing latest information on the current areas of faculty development programme and understood the Research Extension Farmer Linkages, Innovations in Agricultural Extension and Technology Dissemination, Process Documentation skills, Leadership and Team Building Skills, Usage of mobile apps and various skills required for faculty development etc. Dr. D. Shireesha, Assitant Professor and Dr. P. Vijaya Lakshmi, Professor, EEI coordinated the programme.