Dr.Sarma C. Mallubhotla, International Development Expert, Ottawa, Canada has delivered a talk on “Development of smart fertilizers through Nanotechnology opportunities and Challenges on 28th February, 2020 at College of Agriculture, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. Dr.Sarma is a Ph.D in Crop Physiology and has 27 years well rounded professional experience encompassing the plant biotechnology industry and International project Management in Agriculture, agro-food processing, food & nutrition security, climate change adoption etc. He is a consultant to IFPRI’s Harvest plus programme. He has stressed on the need for conserving energy resources and cut down the cost of production to the farmers through smart fertilizers developed through Nano technology. He insisted that the fertilizer companies should invest in research activities on use of Nano technologies for smart fertilizers. The University officers, Members, Board of Management, faculty and students attended the session.