Diagnostic Field Visit to Paddy, Chilli and Red Gram crops in Cluster villages of Thorrur Mandal by KVK, Malyal Scientists on 25-09-2020

Diagnostic Field Visit to Paddy, Chilli and Red Gram crops in Cluster villages of Thorrur Mandal by KVK, Malyal Scientists on 25-09-2020

Diagnostic Field visit conducted by KVK, Malyal team of Scientists. Visited the Rice, Chilli and Redgram fields in Matedu and Thorrur villages of Thorrur Mandal. The team of Scientists Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, Programme Coordinator i/c, Smt. A. Ramulamma, SMS (Plant Protection) and Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Horticulture) along with department officials Kumar Yadav, MAO, Thorrur, Bharath, AEO, Matedu, Raviteja, AEO, Thorrur visited the farmer’s fields. During the visit the Scientists reported the Gall midge, BPH in Rice, Spodoptera, twig blight, helicoverpa in Chilli and Leaf webber in Redgram. 14 No.of farmers participated in the programme.
Paddy: Spraying of buprofezin @1.6 ml/l or dynotefuron @ 0.5g/l, avoid Urea application and alternate wetting and drying in Paddy for BPH
Chilli: Flubendimide @ 0.2ml/l and Cabriotap @ 3g/l for boll worms and twig blight.
Redgram: Chlorpyriphas @ 2.5 ml/l or Acephate 1.5 g/l for leaf webber.