Diagnostic Field visit conducted by KVK, Malyal team of Scientists. Visited the Rice and Cotton fields in Bayyaram village and Mandal. The team of Scientists Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, Programme Coordinator i/c, Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Hort.) and Smt. A. Ramulamma, SMS (Plant Protection) along with department officials Sri Ramji, MAO and Sri Suresh, AEO, Bayyaram visited the farmer’s fields. During the visit the Scientists reported the Brown spot, panicle mite, blast in Rice, Jassids, boll rot and water logged in Cotton. 8 No.of farmers participated in the programme.
Paddy: Tricyclozole + Mancozeb @ 2.5 g/l for brown spot and blast and propiconazole @ 1 ml/l + spyromecifen @ 2ml/l for panicle mite and false smut.
Cotton: Captan @ 1g/l + Potassium nitrate @ 10 g/l + Pyriproxyfen @ 2 ml/l for jassids and boll rot