Diagnostic Field visit in Rice on 12-08-2020 by KVK, Rudrur

Diagnostic Field visit in Rice on 12-08-2020 by KVK, Rudrur

A joint diagnostic field visit was organized by krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rudrur, Nizamabad Scientific team alongwith Department of Agricultural Officials. The team consisting of Dr. RVT. Balazzii Naaiik, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Rudrur, Sri P. Vijay Kumar, Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection), Dr. B. Venkata Rajkumar, Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture), Dr. M. Suresh, Subject Matter Specialist (Crop Production) and Sri M. Govind, District Agriculture Officer, Nizamabad, Sri Santhosh, Assistant Director of Agriculture, Bodhan and other AEOs of Bodhan Division by involving local public representatives and farmers.

Action taken points:

1. Joint diagnostic visit:
In view of favourable weather conditions prevailing in the district towards incidence of Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) in Rice, KVK Scientific team and Department Officials made Joint Diagnostic field visit to Bodhan division covering Uthpally, Amdapur, Bellal, Saloora, Bardipur villages where in the farmers grown majorly BPT-5204 (fine variety), MTU-1010 (bold variety) in which transplanting dates varies from July first week to third week and observed BLB incidence in a very few pockets of Bardhipur village of Bodhan mandal with initial stage of incidence due to excess application of Nitrogen fertilizers in a high dose. The remaining villages are commonly observed with Stem borer, Hispa, Sheath Blight, Rat damage with a very low incidence i.e., below ETL levels which was subject to control by spraying of suitable pesticides which was recommended by the team during the visit.
2. Organizing Phone-in-live programme with Eenadu:
KVK organized Phone in live programme dated 13.08.2020 for knowing the seasonal based crop grievances of the farmers in the erstwhile Nizamabad district and noticed frequent questions raised by the farmers were about fertilizer applications in rice, weed management in rice, Cotton, Redgram, Fall Army Worm management in Maize, very few farmers raised about the BLB incidence which was in an initial stage of incidence and Scientific staff of KVK offered suitable solutions to needy farmers.

Suggestions made by the team:
  1. Application of balanced fertilizers and avoid excess Nitrogen (N) application.
  2. Skipping of Nitrogen (N) fertilizers during disease incidence.
  3. Application of Potash (K) fertilizers @ 10-15 kg per acre for inducing disease resistance.
  4. Draining the rice fields and application of fresh water with minimum of two time to eradicate the bacterial inoculums.
  5. Spraying of Plantamycin @ 0.2 gr/litre or Agrimycin @ 0.4g/lit. of water about two times in a span of 5-7 days to restrict the spread of the disease.