Diagnostic field visit in Rice, Cotton, Sweet orange and Acid lime in different villages of Nakrekel and Saligouraram Mandals, Nalgonda District was conducted by Dr.M.A. Aariff Khan, Team Leader cum Programme Coordinator, KVK, Kampasagar and G. Narendar, Co-Team Leader cum Coordinator DATTAC, Yadadri Bhuvanagiri District to monitor crop growth condition, pests and disease incidence due to heavy rains on 19.9.2020. Suggestions and recommendations were given to the farmers to over come the problems of sucking pests complex and top dressing of Urea, Potash and spraying of Magnesiem Sulphate @ 10g/ L in cotton in Red chalka and black soils. Minor incidence of Leaf folder, Stem borer, Leaf mite, Leaf blast and Sheat blight disease incidence was observed of low level. Adivised to apply judicidious N fertilizers as per recommendation. Over all crop growth and performance was good in cotton and rice. Group of team visited bearing orchards of Acid lime and pre bearing Sweet Orange budded on Jambheri in Marur Village. Bearing Acid lime Orachards are in fruit developing stage, maintenance and management of orchard is good, except minor incidence of leaf minor and Bacterial Cancker. Advised farmers not to cultivate Solaneous vegetables such as Tomato, Brinjal and Chilles due to nematode problem. To correct micronutrient Zinc and iron deficiency suggested to spray Citrus Arka Special in young sweet orange garden. In Gurujala (V), Shaligouraram (M) farmers facing monkeys problem severaly and unable to protect agriculture and horticulture crops. Adivised to farmers to over come the problems in ensuing Rabi season by cultivating alternate crops like Castor, Safflower, Curry leaf, Henna and tree plantations on bunds or boundary to get assured income and protection from monkeys. Also suggested to adopt IFS components like sheep, goat, rearing, Backyard poultary, Fisheries to get additional income for over all sustainability. The diagnostic filed team consists of Dr.M. Shankar, SMS (Plant Protection), Dr.T.Bharath, SMS (Crop Production), T. Himabindu SMS (Horticulture), Sri. MadhuSekhar, Scientist (Extension), DATTC, Yadadri Bhuvanagiri, Sri. Naresh, Scientist (Horticulture), KVK, Gaddipally, Sri. Mallesh, Agrl. Officer, Nakerakal and R. Vidyasagar, Horticulture Officer, Nakerekal Cluster and progressive farmers of different villages participated in the field visit.