Village adoption team of Agricultural College Warangal organized demonstration on Drum seeder and broadcasting method of rice cultivation (KNM 118) variety in puddled soils in one acre field of Sri. Polasani Srinivasa Reddy on 29-12-2020 at Adopted village, Damera. Labour shortage is one of the major constraint in present agriculture. Raising nursery and transplanting operations involves engagement of more number of labours. These expensive operations can be replaced by direct seeding which can reduce labour needs. In this regard, promotion of direct seeding by using drum seeding and broadcasting was encouraged to overcome labour scarcity issues in transplanted rice. During this programme, rabi paddy nursery fields were inspected and recommendations were given. Dr. G. Swathi, Dr. J. Kamalakar and Dr.G. Santosh Kumar, Mr. Kamalakar, MAO, Mr. Pavan, AEO and 20 farmers have participated.