Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bellampalli, Mancherial district in collaboration with the Reliance Foundation has organized a need based agro advisories through Video Conference with the farmers of Mancherial and Kumram Bheem Asifabad (Aspirational) districts on “Nutrient, weed management in Cotton and Nursery Management in Rice” during Vanakalam, 2020. In this conference, farmers from different villages of Mancherial and Kumram Bheem Asifabad districts were participated to clarify their doubts by communicating with the expert personnel directly. The conference was held at KVK, Bellampalli on 27th July, 2020 with the involvement of KVK staff, Reliance foundation organizers and 42 No. of farmers. In this video conference, Dr. M. Rajeshwar Naik, Programme Coordinator addressed and delivered the need based agro advisories to the farming community on fertilizer management, weed management, sucking pest management and precautionary measures for the management of pink boll worm in Bt Cotton and fertilizer, weed and pest management in Rice nurseries during vanakalam, 2020-21. In this video conference, Subject Matter Specialists of the KVK, Bellampalli were given the following crop wise advisories to the farmers as detailed below
CottonFor this particular video conference, Dr. Shivakrishna Kota, SMS (Agricultural Extension), Sri. A. Nagaraju, SMS (Plant Protection), Dr I. Tirupathi, SMS (CP) Smt. U. Sravanthi, SMS (Horticulture) were attended.