Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bellampalli, Mancherial District distributed Backyard Poultry Birds, Rajasri (6 week old) to the tribal farmers and Scheduled caste farmers of both Mancherial & KB Asifabad districts under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) and Scheduled Castes Sub Plan respectively on 11th January, 2021 at Instructional Farm of KVK, Bellampalli. Keeping in view of doubling the farmers income in Agriculture and Allied sectors, the adopted villages of KVK, Bellampalli under TSP and SCSP were selected with the concern of the respective village Sarpanches and with the Gram Panchayat Resolution viz., Manneguda of Nennel Mandal, Lambadithanda - K of Kasipet mandal, Perkapalli (L.T) of Bellampalli mandal, Elkeshwaram of Bheemaram mandal, Kistampet of Chennur mandal, Pulimadugu of Mandamarri mandal of Mancherial district and Pangidimadaram, Bheemgiguda and Geethanagar villages of Tiryani mandal of KB Asifabad district (Aspirational) under Tribal Sub Plan. In the same way, Malagurijala, Rangapet and Dugnepalli villages of Bellampalli mandal, Boyapalli village of Thandur mandal, Manneguda and Gundlasomaram villages of Nennel mandal of Mancherial district were selected under Scheduled Castes Sub Plan. Dr. M. Rajeshwar Naik, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Bellampalli addressed the tribal farmers and SC farmers on the main objective of distributing the backyard poultry birds/homestead poultry farming to rural families is to create a lucrative source of supplementary income by involving low investment, yields high economic returns and can be easily managed by women and children. In addition to this, the eggs and meat acts as a rich source of protein and energy for poor households. For this programme, Dr. Shivakrishna Kota, SMS (Agricultural Extension), Sri A. Nagaraju, SMS (Plant Protection), Dr. I. Thirupathi, SMS (Crop Production), Smt U. Sravanthi, SMS (Horticulture) and Sarpanches of respective villages and the 125 No. of beneficiary tribal farmers and 30 No. of scheduled castes farmers were attended.