Field visit cum training programme on management of pink bollworm and sucking pests in cotton was organized and conducted at Tirumalagiri (S) (V&M), Nalgonda District on 01.09.2020. Dr. M Shankar, SMS (Plant Protection) explained about integrated management practices of sucking pest complex and pink bollworm in cotton with erection of pheromone traps 4/acre for monitoring pink bollworm moths and spraying with Neem oil (Azadirchatin 1500 ppm) – 5ml/L. Also observed sucking pests like leaf hoppers and thrips with incidence below ETL. Created awareness to erect yellow sticky traps @10/acre. The eco-friendly pheromone traps were distributed to 25 men and women tribal farmers under Tribal Sub Plan. Dr. T Bharat, SMS (Crop Production), Sri. Janaki ramulu, Mandal Agricultural Officer and Agricultural Extension Officers, Tirumalagiri (S) and 30 farmers from different villages of Tirmulagiri (S) Mandal participated.