Training Programme on Drudgery Reducing Practices at Agamothkur (V), Madgulapally (M), Nalgonda district on 16-12-2020

Training Programme on Drudgery Reducing Practices at Agamothkur (V), Madgulapally (M), Nalgonda district on 16-12-2020

Training Programme on Drudgery Reducing Practices” at Agamothkur (V), Madgulapally (M), Nalgonda Dist on 16.12.2020. On this occasion Dr. M.A. Aariff Khan, Programme Coordinator and Head addressed the gathering about different drudgery reducing tools and implements in Agriculture and Horticulture operations for farm women. Later G. Krishnaveni, Research Associate (Home Science) explained different drudgery reducing tools like fertilizer applicator, easy planter, Drum seeder, knitted gloves, chilli cutters, bendi cutters and star weeders etc. KVK, Scientists, T. Himabindu, SMS( Horticulture), Sai Kiran, SMS (Agrometrology), and ANM, Anganwadi teacher and a total 35 women were participated the programme.