Dr.S.Chandrasekhar, Professor, EEI, Hyderabad welcomed all the members of the Academic Committee Meeting and explained the importance of the programe. Dr. M. Jagan Mohan Reddy, Director, EEI, Hyderabad presented the list of training programmes proposed for the next academic calendar year 2025-26. The programmes include Oncampus training programmes (62 no), Offcampus training programmes (27 no), Collaborative training programmes with MANAGE (8 no), and Webinars (18 no), with a total of 115 programmes. Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Additional Commissioner (Extension), Directorate of Extension, Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India stated that, while conducting offcampus training programmes for a particular department of the concerned state, better to invite officials from other departments to attend the programe. He has appreciated the efforts taken by the EEI, Hyderabad for designing oncampus pogrammes volunteered by the client departments of various client states to overcome the issue of not having travelling provision for the participants. More participants can be invited across pan India representing EEIs, SAMETIs, national, international and ICAR institutions for webinars organised by EEI, Hyderabad, Dr. Sanjay Kumar added. Dr.M.Yakadri, Director of Extension, PJTAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad pointed out to be more specific with regard to the training programme on Commercialization of Innovations and Technologies and the same thing may be spelt out clearly. Dr.G. Bhaskar, Assistant Director, IT, SG, MANAGE, Hyderabad, appreciated the formulation of more programmes on digital solutions for effective ToT in agri and allied sectors. This is in accordance with the flagship programme of GoI in creation of robust digital public infrastructure and application of digital interventions. Dr.S.Chandrasekhar, Professor, EEI, Hyderabad proposed Vote of Thanks.