A two day Annual Training Workshop on “Training Need Assessment of Client States” was held at MANAGE, Hyderabad on 9th and 10th January, 2025. Thirty (30) Delegates from all over Indian States took part in the programme. The representatives of all the client states and the concerned officials of Directorate of Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, New Delhi and the faculty of EEI, Hyderabad and Gowhati participated. The deliberations lead to the finalization of training areas and calendar for the year 2025-26with necessary suggestions from the delegates representing client states and departments. The workshop is focused to assess the training needs of development sectors of different states through brain storming and pannel discussions for finalization of Annual Training Calendar of MANAGE for the year 2025-26. Programme began with lighting of the lamp followed by a brief overview of MANAGE presented by Dr. Srinivasacharyulu Attaluri, Deputy Director (KM), MANAGE, Hyderabad. He has emphasized on new initiatives, taken part in MANAGE, Hyderabad. Dr. Sagar Hanuman Singh, IPoS, Director General, MANAGE as Chief Guest in his inaugural remarks, urged all the members to take part actively in all the sessions and come up with realistic training needs and the gaps. Dr. Prashant Armorikar, Addl. Commissioner (Extension), MA&FW, GoI Dr.Sudhir Kumar, Joint Director (Extension), MA&FW and Dr.N.Selvam Joint Director (Extension) MoA&FW, GoI offered the remarks on Annual Training Workshop for designing effective training calendar. The final remarks on Annual Training Planning Workshop and National Convention of EEIs and SAMETIs was given by Dr. Saravanan Raj, Director (Agricultural Extension), MANAGE. The Technical Session was started with the Presentation on Training Proposal of MANAGE for the year 2025-26 and Training Proposals from EEIs, SAMETIs and other stake holders by Dr. Srinivasacharyulu Attaluri, Deputy Director (KM), MANAGE. Dr. Prashant Armorikar, Addl. Commissioner (Extension), MA&FW, GoI presented Ministry initiatives & priorities and emphasized the new areas of training programmes like Natural farming and Digital applications. A guest lecture was delivered by Ms. Nidhi, Team Karmayogi Bharat, Capacity Building Commission, Govt of India on ‘Karmayogi Mission Transforming Future Training through I GoT platform’. Another guest lecture was given by Dr. Bhat Dittakavi, CEO and Chief Data Scientist, variance, Department of AI, IIT Hyderabad on Artificial Intelligence for Transformative Training’. Four panel discussions were conducted to understand training need analysis for extension professionals focusing on fore sighting the Future Extension - Capacity Needs& New Training Approaches focusing on future trends in agricultural extension and Sharing of Knowledge and Networking, Strengthening Extension Institutions and Innovations in Training methodologies and delivery. Each group presented their outcome on training needs. Dr.N.Praveen, Professor, EEI, Hyderabad was participated in the Annual Training Workshop organized at MANAGE and offered his suggestions by involving in the panel discussion on strengthening Extension institutions specifying the areas like ways and measures to enhance the competency of extension faculty and strengthening the linkages among extension institutions. During valedictory session Dr. Sagar Hanuman Singh, IPoS, Director General, MANAGE congratulated all the delegates for their meticulous and systematic deliberations and suggestions in delinating not only training needs and areas but also ways to address certain operational issues and problems in organizing training programmes. The programme was concluded with formal vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Srinivasacharyulu Attaluri, DD (KM), MANAGE.