EEI, Hyderabad Organized Training Programme on IFS in Creation of Sustainable Livelihoods for Small and Marginal Farmers on 15th -19th February, 2022

EEI, Hyderabad Organized Training Programme on IFS in Creation of Sustainable Livelihoods for Small and Marginal Farmers on 15th -19th February, 2022

Extension Education Institute, Hyderabad has organized a 5-day online training programme on “IFS in Creation of Sustainable Livelihoods for small and Marginal Farmers” for the officers of Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries of south Indian states, to enhance the knowledge on Integrated Farming Systems Approach among the participating officers from 15th -19th February, 2022 which was coordinated by Dr. D. Shireesha, Assistant Professor, EEI. The programme orientated the participants on various aspects related to IFS- The livelihood Approach in Indian Context. Models in IFS: An Overview, Sustainability of Livestock Integrated farming Systems, Field Level IFS Models Integrating Livestock, Practical Experiences of Successful Fish Farmer, Efficient Resource Cycling and Cost Reduction Technologies in IFS, Scope and Limitations of Integrated Farming Systems – Analysis of Success Stories, National Schemes for Sustainable Fish Production, Development of IFS Models for different Farming Situations, Management of Livestock Component and Vertical Farming in IFS, Role of Farm Women for Sustainable Livelihoods through IFS, Integrated Farming System for Small and Marginal Farmers and Livelihood Analysis, Bankable Projects and Schemes for IFS and Climate Resilient IFS: Scope and Limitations. Twenty nine officers from Telangana, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Odisha attended the programme. Dr. M. Jagan Mohan Reddy Director, EEI, in his valedictory address on 19th February emphasized the need to enhance the knowledge of the officers on Integrated farming systems approach in creating sustainable livelihoods and asked the participants to develop IFS units among the small farmers in their back home situation if not add one or two new enterprises to the existing farming systems. And congratulated the participants for successful completion of course and opined that every officer attending this training should seriously think of performance and work hard to succeed in their back home situation and bring laurels to Govt of India. All the officers in their feedback mentioned that it is a wonderful opportunity of connecting directly to the eminent nationwide speakers who are experts in their concerned fields and who have shared their valuable experiences in this online training program. Majority of the participants thanked the Director, EEI for providing latest information on the current areas of Integrated Farming Systems Approach.