EEI, Hyderabad organized Training Programme on Natural Farming for Sustainable Agriculture from 28-06-2022 to 01-07-2022

EEI, Hyderabad organized Training Programme on Natural Farming for Sustainable Agriculture’ from 28-06-2022 to 01-07-2022

Natural farming popularly known as ‘do nothing’ farming is an environmentally sustainable way of growing food. ‘Do nothing’ is to remove all the human prejudice from farming and leave it to nature. Due to the growing importance of conservation of natural resources, production of safe food through healthy maintenance of ecosystem, EEI organized a four day off campus online training programme from 28th June – 1st July, 2022. The landscape of the programme was Natural Farming for sustainable production and nutrition holistic starting from scope, challenges and strategies for natural farming, plant production and protection besides marketing strategies to be followed. A special session on Seed to Seed Management in Rice by Andhra Pradesh community managed Natural Farming was also included. Dr. M. Jagan Mohan Reddy, Director, EEI in his valedictory address gave a road map for promotion of natural farming along with key challenges and farming situation specific strategies which owe a greater thrust at his moment. The programme was coordinated by Dr. A. Sailaja, Professor, EEI. About 30 agricultural extension officers of Odisha attended the programme.