Social media technologies extensively help in knowledge transfer and sharing in a number of ways. First and foremost is in communication. Social media provides new tools to share, collect and publish contents, express and discuss viewpoints and mindsets. Secondly, Social Media helps through blogs and micro blogs, for instance Blogger and Twitter, respectively. It also helps in Video and Presentation Sharing in the form of SlideShare and YouTube. Social media is also used to complete content by describing, addition or scrapping out the unwanted information. Social Media provides a visual bookmarking tool as well, for instance Pinterest Enormous information and knowledge can be shared using powerful tools to a world in which the social factors play an essential role. In our new accelerated world, numerous technologies have been developed to support social capital connections (social networking services like Facebook, LinkedIn). For organizations that ensure value to knowledge sharing, integrating social media tools into their daily business life is essential to enable for the employees an easy access; and offer trainings to inexperienced users. Numerous opportunities exist using social media tools in action: Communication between employees can be encouraged to support problem solving: if organization needs an expert for a specific task, a post can be placed on a blog and likely receive a response from another employee or search on LinkedIn to find a person, who can help. Convert personal knowledge to organizational knowledge: if the senior employees record videos about their work and share it with the new employees, the organization can use these videos instead of expensive training programs to explain the details. Discuss professional problems: with a group of people who are active practitioners in a particular area, professional communities (communities of practices – CoP) can be useful because they are neutral and can provide a way to share best practices, ask questions of and provide support for each other outside the organization. Extension Education Institute, Hyderabad to organise a four day Off Campus training programme on Social Media for Effective Transfer of Technology at SAMETI,UAS Banglore from 27th to 30th December, 2023. Contents were covered in the programme – social media in extension: cases from I dian and around the globe, social media marketing for agriculture, agricultural knowledge management portals by goi in tot, mobile apps in agriculture and allied sectors, new generation tools for extension: creation of youtube channel and uploading videos, extension strategies for effective utilisation of social media in tot. During Ice breaking session, Made the participants to play balloons game to aquint each other which intern facilitated them for free interaction. Each trainee traits have been recognized with the help of balloons and made the participants become flexible for group learning. During field visit, visited Swaranabhoomi, FPO Dobbeghatta, Thuruvekere, Tumkuru Dist. During field visit, Visited to the FPO and innovative farmers field and had face to face interaction looking in to how three farmers are using social media and promoting their productions. This facilitated the participants make use of this in their work place and encourage the farmers to make better use of social media. The participants got good opportunity and gained more knowledge about social media it helps us to use social media in their agricultural practices. During hands on training, Preparation of Videos' and uploading in the Youtube, Preparation of jingles, Making Wat App groups for motivating farmers and for ToT. During inauguration, Dr.S.V.Suresha, Hon'b;e Vice-Chancellor, UAS, Banglore, Dr.S.M.Kalikhar, JD, MoA, GoI, New Delhi, Sri.Shiva Kumar, JD, of Agril, Govt of Karnataka,Dr.VL.Madhu Prasad, DE, UAS, Banglore. During valedictory, Dr.Madhu Prasad, DE,UAS Banglore. A total of 30 trainees participated from ATMA, Dept of Agril of Karnataka state. The participants expressed that the programme has been planned meticulously to meet the objectives and to sensitize the officers on social media usage. Many lesions learnt. The programme was coordinated by Dr. K. Madhu Babu, Professor, EEI, Hyderabad. The Cost of training programme of Rs.1,00,000/-