Green roof tops with vegetable and fruit plants provide chemical free food, mitigates urban heat, improves the air quality and give pleasure to city dwellers. They also provide an opportunity for enhancing creativity as well as for psychological well being. In addition, terrace gardens change the visual appearance of the building, conceals unwanted pipelines and unappealing scenery. Terrace and balcony gardens are highly popular in Urban and Peri urban middle and upper class families and were found as a sort of leisure time activity. Suspicion about the quality of vegetables available in urban markets and recycling of household waste is the main motivation for these farming. Cultivation and Consumption of vegetables and fruits grown on terraces and balconies facilitates spending quality time among family members that strengthens family bonding. Keeping in view of importance of terrace gardens for urban and peri urban dwellers and to disseminate latest information and experiences of Urban farming practitioners to Extension officers, Extension Education Institute, Hyderabad organized 5 days online Training programme on Urban Farming for Extension Professionals from 7 – 11 February 2022. 62 officers belonging to Telangana, Andhrapradesh, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Odisha from Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal husbandary and Fisheries sectors took part in the programme. Scientists from IIHR, Karnataka, ANGRAU, Andhrapradesh, PJTSAU, Telangana, SKLVU, Telangana, DDS (NGO), Private entrepreneur from Jaipur and practitioners from TS and AP states took sessions in the training.Birds eye view on Urban farming, Smart Urban farming techniques: Vertical farming and Hydroponics, Recent trends in Urban farming, Fruit, Vegetable and Flower nursery raising in Urban areas, Mushroom Farming for balanced diet, Poultry in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas, Experience sharing of successful terrace garden practitioner, Hydroponics and Aquaponics for nutritional security, Experience sharing of successful terrace garden practitioner, Apiculture: A Profitable Hobby for Urban dwellers, Sericulture: An Economic Boon for Urban unemployed, Urban Animal Husbandry Challenges and Opportunities, Organic ways and means to nourish and protect home gardens, Business opportunities for roof top gardening are the contents covered in this programme.Speaking on the valedictory Dr. M. Jagan Mohan Reddy, Director, EEI said that many people keep their terraces empty which makes it dirty by accumulating dust, leaves and rainwater, hence It is a better idea to build a terrace garden to cover that empty space and give it a cheerful look. Dr Reddy said the main reason for practicing Terrace gardening these days is the urgent need for replacing chemical laden fruit and vegetable diet with organic ones. He urged the Extension officers to teach the importance and process of cultivating terrace and balcony gardens and other enterprises like mushrooms, sericulture, apiculture, aquaponics, hydroponics, urban poultry, and animal husbandary etc learnt in this training to rural, periurban and urban dwellers in their jurisdictionThe programme was coordinated by Dr. R. Vasantha, Professor, EEI.