EEI - Off campus training programme on Export Oriented Technologies and Extension strategies for Profitable Agriculture was organized at SAMETI, Trivandrum, Kerala from 05th to 08th December, 2023

EEI - Off campus training programme on Export Oriented Technologies and Extension strategies for Profitable Agriculture was organized at SAMETI, Trivandrum, Kerala from 05th to 08th December, 2023

Agri processing and agri exports attain importance as a key area especially because post harvest losses in India are high and range from 8-18%. The reasons include poor post-harvest management, absence of cold chain and processing facilities. Rather than allowing produce to go waste, having a well-planned export system will help to cut down losses and at the same time, earn revenue for the country. Also, a farmer centric approach is required for improved income through value addition at source itself, so that losses across the value chain can be minimised. A four day Off campus training programme on Export Oriented Technologies and Extension strategies for Profitable Agriculture was organized at SAMETI, Trivandrum, Kerala from 05th to 08th December, 2023. Contents covered in the programme were – GoI Schemes and Programmes in agriculture sector, Extension strategies for promotion of exports, Guidelines for exports and imports of different plants/ planting materials and its regulations in India, Quality standards and quarantine rules for exporting agrl. products and post entry quarantine rules, Role of APEDA in agrl. exports, Birds eye view on export management in agriculture, Gender budgeting in agri and allied sectors. During ice breaking, Fish and fisher man, and ball games were conducted to remove the inhibitions among the participants and create congenial atmosphere to learn things effectively and efficiently. Field visits were conducted to Plant Quarantine Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Participants were visited Vaisakh Gardens, Thaanichal, Thiruvananthapuram. Mr. Vijayan, is growing Dragon fruit, Rambutton, Abieu and sweet potato. He is doing value addition of dragon fruit, Rambutton and Abieu etc. During inauguration, Dr M. Preethi, Professor & Course coordinator gave the importance of the programme and briefed about the EEI activities. Dr. P. Vijaya Lakshmi briefed about the programme and contents and role of extension workers to promote exports in agriculture sector. Mr.Sujith, AO & Co course coordinator proposed vote of thanks. During valedictory, Mrs. Jancy Koshy, Director, SAMETI, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala graced the event. She congratulated the participants for successful completion of the programme. She said that export orientation in agriculture sector is very important and need of the hour to improve the socio economic status of the farming community. She thanked the EEI, Hyderabad for conducting the training programme at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala and urged the participants use the learnings at back home situation. Dr. Vijaya Lakshmi briefed about the programme and Dr. Preethi proposed vote of thanks. A total of 25 trainees participated from the Dept. of Agriculture, Kerala. Participants during their feedback said that, this is very new topic and very useful. Most of the participants said that now they are able to transfer the knowledge to the farming community on export oriented technologies and extension strategies in agriculture sector and said that this type of programmes should be conducted to all the officers who are working in the agricultural department. Some of the officers expressed that field visit was very informative. Dr. M. Preethi, and Dr. P. Vijaya Lakshmi, Professors, EEI, Hyderabad conducted the programme.