Extension Education Institute, Hyderabad has organized a five day online training program on “Extension Strategies for Climate Smart Extension in Agri and Allied Sectors from 18th to 23rd October, 2021 for Agriculture and Allied sector officers of southern states. Total forty five (45) officers of Agriculture, Agriculture Engineering, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries have participated in the on line training program. Dr. S.Chandrashekar, Professor, EEI coordinated the program and the sessions covered are an Overview on Climate Change – Effect on Agriculture and Allied sectors Production, Climate Change Adaptation and Climate Resilient Technologies for Agriculture, Climate-smart Agriculture practices in fisheries and aquaculture, Climate-smart agriculture in livestock sector, Use of Plastics in Agriculture and Allied sectors – A Climate Smart Initiative, Role of Integrated Farming System in Building Resilience to Climate Change, Climate Smart Extension – Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Agriculture, Climate Smart ITKs, Extension Strategies to address Climate Change, Risk Management Strategies in Climate Change Scenario, Experiences of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in NICRA Project, Soil and Water Management Strategies for Climate Smart Agriculture and Preparation of action Plans on Strategies of Climate Smart Extension and Presentations by the Participants. Participants felt that the topics like use of plastics, IFS, ITK, Farm mechanization; NICRA, GIS and remote sensing are highly useful in their workplace. Dr. M. Jagan Mohan Reddy, Director, EEI in his valedictory speech emphasised application of technology and learnings in farmers fileds. He also expressed that extension officers should apply newness in their delivery system. He said that every officer try to implement different IFS models to combat the climate change in their jurisdiction to double the farmers income.