Farmers Scientists Interaction Programme on Rabi Crops at DAATTC, Warangal On 19-12-2019

Farmers Scientists Interaction Programme on Rabi Crops at DAATTC, Warangal On 19-12-2019

Farmers Scientist Interaction programme organized at DAATT Centre which is an innovative extension and Transfer of Technology (TOT) model in India, in Coordination with ATMA on 19-12-2019 at DAATTC Warangal. The programme was organized under the Chairmanship of Dr. E. Srinivas Principal Scientist & Coordinator, DAATTC, Warangal and Dr P. Jagan Mohan Rao, Associate Director of Research, RARS, Warangal, attended as Chief guest for the programme, Smt. Usha Dayal District Agricultural officer, Warangal receded over the interaction programme, Dr.Shravan Kumar, Scientist, RARS, Warangal Sri G. Lingappa. Director Spice Board, Warangal urban District, Sri. Balaji Scientist Fisheries. KVK, Mamunure, Warangal Rural District attended as special invitees, more than sixty progressive farmers and farm women as well as ATMA body members participated in the programme. During the interaction programme farmers interacted with the scientists on cold management in Rabi rice nurseries, Stem borer and blast management in rice, Pink boll worm management in cotton, fall army worm management in maize, pest and disease management in Red gram, discussed on scope for oil palm cultivation in Warangal rural District and its production technology, far mechanization, wilt, bacterial stalk rot management in Maize etc.