Field Day on “Direct seeded Rice” was conducted by Department of Agriculture, Mahabubabad in collaboration with Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal at Kachanapalli Village of Bayyaram Mandal on 02-12-2021. On this occasion, the host farmer Sri Eluri Narasimha Rao shared his experiences in direct seeded Rice related to Karivedha Sagu in terms of labour, seed rate saving, weed management, fertilizer management and occurrence of low pest & diseases compared with normal transplanting. Subsequently, some farmers - Bommela Pandu Raju, Bommela Chitti Babu also shared their experiences in direct seeded technology. Later, Sri. B. Kranthi Kumar, SMS (Crop production) spoke about fertilizer management, zero tillage concept, paired row in Maize. Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Horticulture) explained about Integrated Pest Management in Chilli with special reference to current pest scenario. Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, SMS (Extension) briefed about importance of PJTSAU’s Vyavasayam magazine and YouTube channel and its subscription. Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Malyal requested the farmers for complete adoption of direct seeded Rice in the village as major part of paddy cultivable area is regularly prone to inundation during Vanakalam season and hence farmers should try to cut down expenditure on normal transplanted paddy cultivation. She also explained tips in IPM in Chilli, alternate ID crops to be grown in place of Paddy during upcoming Yasangi season. She also explained about seed treatment, usage of bio-fungicides (Trichoderma, Pseudomonas), pest & disease management in the standing crops (Maize and Cowpea). Sri Laxminarayana, ADA, Mahabubabad guided the farmers to maintain FAQ (Fare Average Quality) of Vanakalam harvested Paddy in the procurement centres. Sri. B. Ramji Naik, MAO, AEOs of Bayyaram Mandal and 45 no. of farmers participated in the programme.