Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized "Field day programme on High density planting in cotton” on 13-12-2021 at Kuravi, Mahabubabad district. In this programme, the host farmer Sri. M. Venkat Reddy expressed that from this HDPS technology he got around 10-12 q of yield per acre as compared to 6-7 q/acre in normal method. The present field day was conducted in Cotton hybrid Nuziveedu (NCS-2778) grown under HDPS. Later, Sri B. Kranthi Kumar, SMS (Crop Production) explained about the concept of high density planting, spacing and other agronomic management practices to be adopted in HDPS. Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Malyal explained the relevance of high density planting in Cotton under present scenario of increased incidence of pink boll worm, escalating labour costs involved in multiple pickings, growing of Cotton in red chalka soils. She remarked that farmers should not be apprehensive of decreasing row-row or plant to plant spacings under HDPS as here the main aim is to get higher yields within 1 or 2 pickings by increasing number of plants per unit area and reducing the harvesting window by regulating crop canopy. Later, Sri. Shoban Babu, ADA (Maripeda) explained that farmers can grow crops like pulses and oilseeds once HDPS Cotton is harvested thus facilitating crop diversification. Sri. Shoban Babu, ADA, Maripeda, Sri. Manju khan, MAO, Kuravi Mandal, Smt. Punnami AEO of Kuravi Mandal, total 30 no.of farmers participated.