Organized Field day on Popularization of Jowar variety CSV-41 on 24.02.2025 at DAATTC, Tornala

Organized Field day on Popularization of Jowar variety CSV-41 on 24.02.2025 at DAATTC, Tornala

DAATTC, Tornala organised the field day on popularization of jowar CSV-41 variety on 24.02.2025 at Pathul thanda village, Akkannapet Mandal, Siddipet district. Initially, farmer Karamkoth Kishan has explained the crop management practices followed by him in CSV-41 and check local variety, and he is expecting the yield around 15 q/acre. Sri. J. Vijay, Coordinator has explained the production practices which are helpful to improve the yields right from sowing to harvesting and given suggestions for bird damage at grain hardening stage. Dr. Ch. Pallavi, Scientist (CP) has explained the sorghum management practices under rice fallows system wherein with less irrigations and resource poor light soils, CSV -41 dual purpose sorghum variety both for fodder (3-4 t/acre) and grain purpose (15-18 q/acre) is performing good under farmers field rather than local varieties. Mandal Agriculture Officer, Sri. Tasleema Sulthana has also suggested the other farmers to take the seed from Kishan and grow in next season as the variety is excellent and suitable for rice fallows. A total of 15 farmers and Mr. Vijay, Agriculture Extension Officer have participated in the programme.