Field day on New onion variety- Bheema super on 18-02-2022 by KVK, Palem.

Field day on New onion variety- Bheema super on 18-02-2022 by KVK, Palem.

Field day on Demonstration of new Onion variety Bheema super for yasangi season was organized at Bajipur village, Bijinepally mandal, Nagarkurnool district, Telangana state on 18.02.2021 to the Onion growers by KVK. Palem, Nagarkurnool dist. Dr. T. Prabhakar Reddy, Programme coordinator, KVK, Palem explained about INM and importance of sulphur and micro nutrients in Onion to get better yields. Further, he added that farmers should grow green gram or black gram in rainy season proceeding to onion to add organic matter to improve soil health status.Dr. Adhi Shankar, SMS (Horticulture), KVK, Palem given training on Good agronomic practice in Onion cultivation and explained Bheema super variety advantages i.e. light pink, uniform size, adoptable to planting season of late vaanakalm (September) to yasangi (up to December), less bolting, single centric and yield potential about 150-180 q./ acre, storage up to 3 months and crop duration 120-130 days over check.Mr. M. Rajashekhar, SMS (Plant protection) explained about IPM and IDM practices in Onion to the farmers. He also identified that present crop was infested with thrips and advised to spray Fipronil 80% WG @ 50g/ acre and Azadiractin 1500ppm@ 5ml/ L at 7-10 days interval.Mr. Shekhar, AEO given information on Govt. subsidy schemes and storage structure to the farmers.Sri A. Bhasker Reddy and Sri Bal Reddy shared their experience and observations of Bheema super variety over check during onion farming.The field day graced by Bondaiah, village sarpanch, Panduranga reddy, coordinator, RSS and farmers (30 Nos) of Bajipur, Gorita and Manganoor villages.