Organized A field day on Redgram variety WRGE 93 under Seed Production on 28-01-2025 by ARS, Tornala.

Organized A field day on Redgram variety WRGE 93 under Seed Production on 28-01-2025 by ARS, Tornala.

A field day on Redgram variety WRGE 93 under Seed Production' was organized at Ramannapeta village on 28-1-2025 by ARS in collaboration with DAATTC, Tornala. The seed production of WRGE 93 variety of redgram was taken up by ARS, Tornala on outsourcing basis in the farmer field. Mr. K. Kondal Rao, host farmer and 20 other farmers from the village have participated in the programme. Mr. Ch. Lokesh, Horticulture Officer, Mr. K. Rishindra, Oilpalm field officer from Preuniq company were also present. At the outset, Dr. S. Sridevi, Principal scientist & Head, ARS, Tornala explained in brief about the management practices to be followed to get higher yields and plant protection measures to be followed in redgram seed production. She also added that seed production is remunerative to the farmers and enhance the farmers income by 1.5-2.0 times. Further, she also informed the farmers about seed availability at ARS, Tornala. Later, A. Saritha, Scientist (Pl. Br.), ARS, Tornala has explained in detail about the redgram seed production aspects viz., importance of source seed, isolation distance, no. of field inspections to be conducted, importance and timing of rouging, precautions to be followed during harvest and post harvest period. Mr. J. Vijay, Coordinator, DAATTC, Tornala discussed in depth about the best agronomic operations, weed and water management to be followed in redgram cultivation. Later, Dr. Ch. Pallavi, scientist (TOT) of DAATTC, Tornala explained about the importance of pest surveillance and integrated pest management practices with special reference to control of Maruca and Helicoverpa and precautionary measures to be taken from the starting of the season. Mr. Ch. Lokesh, Horticulture Officer, gave an overview of opportunities to include redgram as intercrop in various horticultural crops. Later host farmer Mr. K. Kondal Rao has shared his experience with fellow farmers about the benefits of redgram seed production.