Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized Field Day on “Demonstration of weedicide use in direct seeded Rice” was conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal at Kuravi, Mahabubabad district on 11-11-2021. The demonstration was conducted as a part of Crop production technical programme of 2021-22. On this occasion, the host farmer Sri Mahendar Reddy, spoke about his experience in weedicide usage in direct seeded Rice. He narrated all the management practices which he had adopted in the FLD plot. This was one of the first instances of taking up direct seeded paddy in this village. Later Sri.B. Kranthi Kumar, SMS(Crop production) explained about weedicide usage and other management practices in direct seeded paddy. Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator addressed the gathering and explained about advantages of paddy cultivation through direct seeding over normal method of transplanting. Smt. A. Ramulamma, SMS (P.P.) explained about Pest and Disease management in Chilli. Later, there was an interactive session where most of the farmers agreed upon in principle for taking up direct seeded paddy during next vanakalam season. Sri. Manju Khan, MAO,Kuravi and M.Ramesh, K. Punnami and Vijendar , AEOs and 39 No.of farmers attended the programme.