Diagnostic Field Visit in Adopted Village, Veldurthi by RARS, Polasa, Jagtial on 29-10-2021
Diagnostic Field Visit in Adopted Village, Veldurthi by RARS, Polasa, Jagtial on 29-10-2021
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Polasa, Jagtial has conducted diagnostic field visit in Turmeric, beans and chilli crops at adopted village, Veldurthi.
During this field visit observed Rhizome rot in turmeric and recommended spraying of Metalaxyl + Mancozeb @1g/lit (or) drenching of Copper oxy chloride 3 g/lit, observed leaf blotch in turmeric and recommended carbendazim+Mancozeb@2.5g/lit.
In Chilli observed leaf curl damage due to thrips and recommended Spinosad @0.25 ml/lit (or) Spinitorum @1ml/Lit (or) Emamectin Benzoate @0.4g/lit and also observed Chillidie back and recommended spraying of Propiconozole 1 ml/Lit , Metiram + Pyrachlostrobin @3g/Lit or Difenconozle@ 0.5ml/lit.
Observed flower and fruit borer in beans and recommended spraying of Acephate 1.5 g/lit.
During the visit also explained about alternate crops to paddy in yasangi and informed about the cut off dates of sowing, cost of cultivation, market prices and net returns of alternate crops to rice and about the seed availability.
In this visit scientists, P. Sadvi, D.A. Rajini Devi, M. RajendraPrasad ,Dr.A. Krishna Chaithanya and farmers (10 members) have been participated.