The village adoption committee visited Mallapur village on 08.07.2024 under chairmanship of Dr. C. Narender Reddy, Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, with the an objective to study the cropping pattern in village and increase the awareness of novel techniques used in the pest, disease and weed management. In this regard team visited cotton, maize and cauliflower crops. Major crop grown in the village is cotton and it is in seedling establishment stage (15 to 20 DAS). In one of the farmers field, the crop is affected with different weeds (broad and narrow leaved). The agronomist Dr. Samatha Parmeshwari recommended farmers to spray Hitweed max @2.5 ml lt-1 of water for the control of weeds in cotton. Maize crop is in vegetative stage (15-20 DAS). The fall armyworm incidence was noticed. Farmers were suggested to spray Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC@ 0.36 ml lt-1 of water or application of carbofuran 3G granules in whorls by Entomologist Dr. A.Padmasri. The convenor Dr T. Lavanya , committee members Dr. R. Swamy, Dr. A.Padmasri, Dr. M. Prameela, Dr. Samatha Parmeshwari, Dr. A. Nirmala, and Dr. K.Aruna from College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar visited the farmers fields in Mallapur village. The farmers Srinivas Reddy, Sri Jaipal Reddy and Sri Mohan Reddy also participated in the field visit.