The Village Adoption committee visited Mallapur village on 11-09-2024 under chairmanship of Dr. C. Narendra Reddy, Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Rajendra Nagar. Due to heavy rains, sucking pest like Thrips, Jassids and White flies incidence was observed in Cotton and management of sucking pest by taking up timely spray application of spinetoram11.7SC @1ml/litre against thrips, Dinetofuran 20SG @0.3g/litre against jassids and white flies was recommended by Dr.A.Padma Sri, Senior Scientist (Entomology). Apart from these insect pests, diseases like bacterial leaf blight and wilt were also observed in cotton crop. Dr. M. Prameela, Senior Scientist (Pathology) suggested farmers to take up spray application of copper oxychloride 600g+plantomycin 40g or Kresoxymethyl 200 ml per acre for effective management of these diseases. In rose plants severe micro nutrient deficiency was observed and farmers were suggested to take up spray application of zinc sulphate @2g/litre. The committee members Dr. A.Padmasri, Dr. M. Prameela and Dr. K.Aruna from College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar visited the farmers fields in Mallapur village. The farmers Sri Jaipal Reddy , Sri Mohan Reddy, Sri.Boji Reddy, Sri.Mahathma Reddy, Sri. Madhusudan Rao, Sri. Gandhinandnan Reddy and Sri.S.Panduranga Reddy also participated in the field visit.