Diagnostic field visit to paddy fields at KVK, Wyra on 05.02.2025

Diagnostic field visit to paddy fields at KVK, Wyra on 05.02.2025

Field visit to paddy fields of Koyachelaka, Regulachelaka and Chimmapudi villages of Raghunadapalem Mandal on 05.02.2025. In this Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Wyra Programme Coordinator, Dr.K. Ravi Kumar, Dr. V. Chaitanya, SMS (Horticulture) along with department officials Sri Uma Maheshwar Reddy, MAO, Raghundapalem, Sri Karthik, AEO, Chimmapudi cluster and 23 farmers participated. In paddy leaf folder incidence was observed and suggested control measures and interacted with farmers about the present crop condition.