Village adoption team of Agricultural College, Warangal conducted diagnostic field visit and visited paddy minikit fields: WGL-962 and KNM-1638 along with Agricultural officers, Department of Agriculture at Damera village on 17.07.2021. Dr.G.Swathi, Dr.G.Santosh Kumar, Smt. Ch.Yashaswini, Smt. Kota Swetha (MAO) and Smt. Shivaleela (AEO) visited paddy, cotton and redgram fields in the village. In Cotton, sucking pest complex incidence was observed and recommended Acephate @ 1.5g/l or Imidacloprid @ 0.25 ml/lit or diafenthiuron @ 1.25g/l. Paddy minikits are in nursery stage (20 days old) and no pest and disease incidence was observed in paddy and redgram.