Field visit to Rice Minikit in Narsapur (V), Damercherla (M) of Nalgonda (Dist) on 22-09-2020

Field visit to Rice Minikit in Narsapur (V), Damercherla (M) of Nalgonda (Dist) on 22-09-2020

KVK, Kampasagar conducted a field visit to Rice Minikit of scented varieties RNR-15435 Vs Sumathi at Narsapur (V), Damercherla (M) and Nalgonda (Dist) on 22.09.2020. Dr.M.A.Aariff Khan, Programme Coordinator and S.Pallavi, SMS (Extension) cum Minikits incharge monitored and observed the growth performance and other parameters of the Minikit. Also briefed the importance of scented Basmathi rice for higher market price than bold and fine grain rice varieties. Later, S.Pallavi SMS (Extension) explained about the characteristic features of the Minikit and recorded the biometrical observations. The growth performance of Minikit was good and free from major pests and diseases.Farmers expressed their feeling that good aroma during early hours and evening and also requested KVK to allot rice Minikits in ensuing season.