Field visit to Rice Minikits in Ravuvarigudem (V), Vemulapally (M), Nalgonda (Dist) Conducted by Scientists, KVK, Kampasagar on 03-10-2020

Field visit to Rice Minikits in Ravuvarigudem (V), Vemulapally (M), Nalgonda (Dist) Conducted by Scientists, KVK, Kampasagar on 03-10-2020

KVK, Kampasagar conducted a field visit to the Rice Minikit of scented Culture RNR-15435 Vs Sumathi and Medium Slender rice culture RNR-21278 Vs RNR-15048 at Ravuvarigudem (V), Vemulapally (M) and Nalgonda (Dist) on 03.10.2020. Dr.M.A.Aariff Khan, Programme Co ordinator and S.Pallavi, SMS (Extension) cum Minikits incharge monitored and observed growth performance and other parameters of the Minikits. scientists briefed the farmers about the package of practices to be taken. Later, S.Pallavi SMS (Extension) explained the farmers about the characteristics features of the Minikit and recorded the bio metrical observations. It was observed that the rice scented variety RNR-15435 crop at Dough to grain filling stage, slight incidence of panicle mite was observed and overall the growth performance was good and free from major pest and diseases. Farmer expressed that the Minikit is performing well at local field conditions and expecting good yields by observing the crop performance. Medium Slender rice culture RNR-21278, crop is at hardening stage and observed no incidence of blast, sheath blight and bacterial leaf blight. Farmer expressed less crop duration than the recommended and attaining to harvest stage earlier i.e. 115 days.Village Sarpunch Sri. Ch.Mallaih Yadav garu, Agriculture Extension Officer of concerned village and Farmers (20 No.) participated in the field visits.