Celebrations of Fit India Freedom Run at College of Food Science and Technology, Rudrur on 21-08-2021

Celebrations of Fit India Freedom Run at College of Food Science and Technology, Rudrur on 21-08-2021

The FIT INDIA FREEDOM RUN was conducted at College of Food Science and Technology, Rudrur on 21.08.2020. All the students, teaching, non-teaching and outsourcing staff were participated in the programme. The programme was started with the welcome address by Dr. J. Sai Prasad, Assistant Professor and Officer In-Charge of Student Activities, CFST, Rudrur. In charge Associate Dean, CFST, Rudrur, has leaded the session. After Freedom Run sapling of plantation and national anthem video upload were done by the NSS volunteers and faculty. The NSS programme officers and OSA has addressed the students about Fit India Freedom Run, Sapling of plant as part of Azad ka Amruth Mahostav. Both were also explained about everyone their responsibilities towards fitness and plantation. The programme was concluded with vote of thanks by Dr. R. Jayaprakash, Assistant Professor and OISA, CFST, Rudrur and acknowledged the speakers and participants. All the precautionary measures like maintaining physical distance, wearing mask and sanitizing the hands were followed during the programme due to COVID 19 pandemic.